Moving forward with developing a software agent server
Back in the middle of January I ruminated about the possibility that after 15 years of thought and research, maybe I was finally on the verge of being ready to actually make some forward progress with developing a software agent server. About a week later I started writing some serious code in Java and two months later I now have a preliminary working version of an agent server. It is still far from finished and I would not want anybody to actually start trying to use it, but I do have open source code and a downloadable Java zip file up on github. I call it "the Base Technology Agent Server – Stage 0." Call it pre-alpha quality. after I get some preliminary feedback from some people, fill in some gaps, and finish some documentation, then I will officially make it public. For now, people can actually take a peek if they are adventurous enough:
I hope to get the introductory doc and tutorial in at least marginally usable shape within a week or so.
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Thanks for posting!
good morning ..
Thanks for posting! Great job!
waiting for the online tutorial as I am interested in your work..
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hi jack, i'm student of master in computer science, I'm trying to do the thesis in relation to agents on web servers, I would like contribute and improve their work "Agent-Server-Stage-0". in fact, I'm getting better with "spring boot" and run directly from RESTFUL. I'm working on delegation of tasks between web servers, which I will validate with data of "linked data". see github and
moving forward is the best way to improve more
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Thanks for letting us peek on your work, really good job!
may I know what's your new software develop? maybe i can use it too..
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nice job i like it. thanks for sharing
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